Red flags and indications of possible illegal eavesdropping activities...



10073 NW 11th Manor

Coral Springs,  FL  33071

Phone (954) 752-1577

Fax (954) 752-2434























Look for us under:

bug sweep, countermeasures, investigation, investigator, tscm, debugging, survey services, sweeping, countersurveillance, eavesdropping, privacy, bug, wiretap, surveillance, tscm Florida, sweeping Florida, debugging Florida, survey services Florida, sweeping Florida, countersurveillance Florida, eavesdropping Florida, privacy Florida, bug Florida, wiretap Florida, surveillance Florida, counterintelligence, bugging, bugged, phonetap, transmitter, camera, spy, espionage, spying,  threat, security, computer, industrial espionage, oscor, osc-5000, spectrum, RF, detector, detection, covert, hidden, electronic, undercover, stalking, tape recorder, security consultant, audio, video, laser, infrared, device, licensed, insured