Is your work place bugged?

An impressive array of electronic equipment is available for use in invading your privacy. Practically none of it is marketed for this purpose, but it takes only a little thought to realize that most of these devices can be used for illegal bugging and/or wiretapping. Most toy stores carry inexpensive walkie-talkies that are ideal for a quick and dirty room bug. The eavesdropper simply installs de battery, tapes down the transmit button and hides the walkie-talkie in the target room. Another inexpensive room bug is the “FM Baby Monitor”. Not only can mom use it to keep an ear on her little one, but since it has a transmit range of about three blocks, it makes a nifty bug also. One of the most common telephone bugging attacks is the hook switch bypass. When a telephone has been bypassed, it becomes “hot on hook”. This means that even though the phone is hung up, it intercepts all room conversation and passes them down the phone line to a listening post. The cost of components to perform this little trick? About 45 cents. We have barely scratched the surface of what is readily available for bugging and wiretapping.

Corporate espionage faces a much more sophisticated threat; high tech, miniaturized, highly efficient transmitting devices planted by extremely well compensated professionals. In this environment, the cost of the eavesdropping job, -including devices and labor-, are in most cases relative to the targeted reward... Can you put a figure to that reward?

Special designed equipment and specially trained professionals are required to detect and locate these threats to your privacy.


10073 NW 11th Manor

Coral Springs,  FL  33071

Phone (954) 752-1577

Fax (954) 752-2434










































Look for us under:

bug sweep, countermeasures, investigation, investigator, tscm, debugging, survey services, sweeping, countersurveillance, eavesdropping, privacy, bug, wiretap, surveillance, tscm Florida, sweeping Florida, debugging Florida, survey services Florida, sweeping Florida, countersurveillance Florida, eavesdropping Florida, privacy Florida, bug Florida, wiretap Florida, surveillance Florida, counterintelligence, bugging, bugged, phonetap, transmitter, camera, spy, espionage, spying,  threat, security, computer, industrial espionage, oscor, osc-5000, spectrum, RF, detector, detection, covert, hidden, electronic, undercover, stalking, tape recorder, security consultant, audio, video, laser, infrared, device, licensed, insured